A Message From Mother to Son…

I can’t speak for most mothers so I’ll speak for myself. I have always known that you had the ability to be a lion there’s never been a doubt in my mind from the moment I laid eyes on you. I knew that the world that you were coming into was an unjust and unfair society however, I still encouraged you to be the strongest… to be the best… to be everything that I saw within you. We never had much but everything that we did have came with grit and determination and a no bullshit attitude. I know where you got your steadfastness from…. I know where you got your determination from… I know where you got your do it or die attitude from because I always knew that the entrepreneurial spirit ran deep within you as it did within me. I always knew that you’d never be anyone’s follower. I knew that leadership ran in your blood just as it ran in mine. I knew that there would be lots of people that would never see you nor understand you for that I will not apologize, that too runs in our DNA. However, of all of these things what I knew most about you, was the deep love, compassion and empathy that was within your heart and there would be those that would try to trample on it. I also knew that they wouldn’t get many chances with you to get it right. That was something that I would have to learn from you! I’m sorry that you’ve had to learn the tough lessons that you have but the determination, steadfastness and grit that I see in you never ceases to amaze me my son, the one that I love! A mother’s love is something that no one can ever take from you…always know that! I will never give up on you just as I expect you to never give up on yourself… when we fall down, we get up and we will continue to rise my son…you are the light within my eyes and that is all that matters! You Are the Pupil of the Eye!! 


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