Reflections on MLK DAY

 While sitting in a moment of reflection on MLK day, I’m looking at how far we’ve come, but yet how far we’ve got to go. In looking out at the world today and all of its chaos, I’m just imagining Dr. King and how exhausted he would’ve been by now. Wondering when will we ever get over trying to be the Superior One and arrogant to the fact that Truth is the Only thing that will set us Free. Today truth seems to be in the mind of the beholder and how it will benefit the holder. 

Just as I could not understand at 12 years old the assassination of such a man of eloquent words and sacrificial service to humanity of whom I had been hearing his speeches for almost 4 years, I still get a quivering in my Spirit at the sound of his Voice. I never would have imagined in that moment just how much the reverberation of his voice would reach down into my Spirit and carry me forward in every thought and action to this day. The quickening in the spirit as the elders would explain to me is the signal of truth ringing through every fiber of my being. This is how I knew that his words came from a much deeper Universal Source and it would lead me in all my days.

I will be forever grateful that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s sound of the trumpet awakening my spirit to the truth that the light that is within each one of us is to recognize our responsibility in service to humanity as our highest goal. I pledge my allegiance to this great and lofty vision of serving at whatever capacity I can in my life, as Breath is granted.


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