Letter to My Younger Self

 Dear younger me,

While sitting here on the side porch, looking out over the lake with the beautiful sun, shining effortlessly, glistening off the water, listening to the carpenter bee bouncing off the rafters while trying to say hello…I thought of you.

So much time has passed so quickly that it’s hard to believe around every bend in the road, over each ravine, climbing, climbing, and climbing only to get to the top …to throw my arms out and celebrate, gliding down effortlessly, relishing in the breeze, as my hair flows back behind every effort of pushing up the hill, wondering if I’d ever get to the top.

I just wanna share with you that if you should become impatient, wishing that you were only older,  relish the moments that you have while you’re pushing to get there. Take the time to appreciate the freedom that you have of not having to be concerned about every single second of your day. Being able to just go and enjoy everything that everybody else is working so hard for, it is there available for your entertainment, amusement and provisions. This moment is for your pleasure and enjoyment, so that you can create the life you will love.

I hope you will take the time to walk, barefoot in the grass, in the river, in the sand, on the beach and where ever your beautiful feet land. What I do know now is if you do not, you will wish that you had. You will know when you’re too busy to be able to do It , it is something that you have done and you know how wonderful it feels and how it allows your soul to soar.  It will call to you when it’s time to do it again.

Don’t let anyone steal this precious fun thing to do from you….even when it’s raining, don’t be sad, go dance in the rain and giggle and laugh to the point that your belly becomes tickled.

I know there will be times when you’re around others that you will wish that you could just fit in but know this… take a step back and recognize how wonderfully made you are, take a minute to look in the mirror and recognize the beautiful gifts you have been blessed with. If you can’t see them or you don’t recognize them, think about the things, that others speak highly of in reference to yourself…whether it’s your loved ones, your friends that say…oh, I wished I could have that or be like you in that way. Remember those things, those quiet compliments that you forget to take to heart. This is the Way that God speaks to you….sometimes through others, and sometimes in the quiet little voice that resides in your heart space and you just didn’t know where it came from? Don’t ignore that quiet voice because sometimes it can get very loud when you ignore it. It is there to always remind you of who you are.

When you become old enough to pay attention to your surroundings, and those that pay attention to you, especially when they pay exclusive attention to you , breathe deep, relax, and observe their behavior towards you. Ask yourself if they are worthy to have an exclusive opinion of you. If not, then just dismiss the moment. You don’t have to explain anything to anyone unless it is your desire because you care for them and their concerns. There will always be those that think they know more about you than you know about yourself, tread lightly with these people, because nobody can ever know you better than the one that gave birth to you that has observed you from the moment you took your first breath. Only give attention to that which speaks deeply to you. You are and always will be the master of your own destiny because you have the inner Kompass that directs your every step and it never fails.

When you decide to share yourself and your space with someone else, know that is precious and they must be worthy. Always know your self-worth and preciousness of your time. Don’t waste it carelessly on drama, rumors or anything that doesn’t lift you up. 

Always take time out for yourself,  care for yourself, pamper yourself, because while you are doing this, you are preparing yourself to recognize those that come to share your space should be treating you the same way.

Self care is the best care because you are preparing yourself to settle for nothing less. 

Always remember to save a little something for the rainy days is what my grandmother used to say. This is in reference to your time, your money, your feelings, your emotions, because these are things of value that will always keep you well. Never give away your last because your last is foundational and it’s what you build upon. If you have no foundation, you have nothing to stand on, so make sure you always take care of you and it’s the overflow that you share with others. An old lady once told me…fill up your cup, and what flows over on the saucer is the extra that you begin to share with others. If your cup is half empty and you are giving away, you have nothing but an empty cup and you’re constantly trying to figure out how to fill it back up. That is why you wait until it’s overflowing because then you’re able to share with others and still have a strong foundation.

One day you will choose a life that you have always dreamed of and it will bless you beyond measure. Stay focused and don’t let anyone steer you from your dreams because your dreams are simply places in the spirit world that you have visited and received confirmation that you will one day enjoy if you stay the course.

I Love You,

Your Older Self


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