Women-Read the Handwriting on the Wall

I have been observing for 67 years the abuse and injustices done to women in our country. Yes, straight out of the womb I could feel the inflictions on every woman surrounding me. I don’t know why some women can’t feel the energies or do not acknowledge the injustice towards other women around them but I have felt it since I was a child. I have spoken on it in every place that I’ve ever been, while being accused of being too sensitive. Well, I never cared what other people thought about my sensitivities because injustice is something that no one should have to bear. I don’t understand any woman thinking that they have the right to make decisions about other women’s lives, relationships, their bodies, their choices.  Each one of us have a personal relationship with God, that is all we have to account for. The decisions that another woman makes for her own best interest is between her and her maker. That is my opinion, others have their own. Having an opinion, and taking a stand against another person‘s rights is not something that I have ever thought I had the right to do.  There have been women in history that have spent their entire life in the political body trying to uphold the rights for other women, and today we act like we don’t even appreciate that. We still live in a man’s world, regardless of the accomplishments we’ve made as women. If we don’t know that, we don’t understand that every single right that we have can be taken from us, and we can return to being property owned by a man.Decisions are being made by a man as though we have no ability to make decisions, rightfully on our own. Don’t think that that is so far off that it cannot happen. It is still happening in many countries around the world. We’ve began to see reversals and rights that we have fought for over 50 years , so what makes anyone think that reversal cannot happen. It is right before our faces. I never will forget the story my mother told me after she had her third pregnancy which was stillborn. While she was under anesthesia, the doctor told her husband that he didn’t feel that she would be capable of giving birth to a normal healthy child in the future, so he suggested that she should have a hysterectomy. Her husband being uneducated and trusting the opinion of the doctor had them to give her a hysterectomy because her husband agreed to it while she was under anesthesia. She never had the opportunity to ever have a child again and she was only in her  late 20’s. After that, she had many years of battling with alcoholism. She almost died from driving under the influence but by the grace of God, she came through and won the fight against alcoholism, to lose her life to cancer in her 50s, The consequences for the decisions made in her life, as though she was property came with consequences that affected not only her life but her entire family.

The rules that we play in creating brand new societies is of a magnitude that most men fear. We have the largest voting block in our country. Unified together we could put a stop to a lot of the issues that not only affect us, but the children that we give birth to, and the next generation of a great society. It is time for us to unite together and recognize that no man or woman should be able to make a decision about our own individual rights, especially when it comes to our bodies. We have many years of being recognized as nothing but property. It is time for us to rise up with the younger generation, unite and move this country forward in a direction that shows our equality. By any means necessary, whatever you have to do in your homes, in your communities, in your churches, in your organizations, no one can control you when you get in the ballot box. Do what you feel that you have to do in your private life, you don’t even have to speak on it but when you get to the ballot box, remember every mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, niece & cousin, that has a right to make her own decisions in this world, and in the next generation. 

We can turn this divisional mess around with our vote and we can take back our educational system, our voting rights, we can solve our International challenges, because if we can teach our children how to play together in the sandbox without having to know one another, we can certainly lead the world in learning how to consult about major issues affecting countries. We have managed to budget households and been CEOs of our own corporations, without the assistance of our men when they have gone off to war. We have shown in the past, given the opportunity how we can take responsibility and manage completely on our own and running an entire country, so it is time for us to step up and recognize that we don’t have to have others to tell us what to do , we innately have the knowledge and the wisdom within each, and every one of us to do the right thing and that will cause us  to step into the roles that we truly are divinely meant to be in . I challenge every woman to do their own personal investigations into truth, and not be led by others, to vote by their conscious after truly educating themselves, and we will always come to the conclusion to unite together, and rise up to be accounted for. We are no one’s  property ever again!!


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